Program Leadership


Jonathan “JT” Tolentino, MD, MS-HPE, FACP, FAAP

Program Director, Internal Medicine and pediatrics Residency Program
Associate Professor of INTERNAL Medicine and Pediatrics
Director, 3-YR Accelerated MD Program, Miller school of medicine
Director, Transition Medicine Track
Medical Director, PATH Transition clinic

Graduate School: MGH Institute of Health Professions
Medical School: Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University
Residency:  Med-Peds, University of Cincinnati/Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Chief Residency: Med-Peds, University of Cincinnati/Cincinnati Children’s Hospital

Dr. Tolentino joined the UM/JMH Med-Peds Program in March 2020, as the Program Director, and is Associate Professor of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics at the University of Miami. He has nearly 15 years of experience in graduate medical education in Med-Peds program leadership. Upon completion of his chief year, he was Associate Program Director for the Internal Medicine Residency Program and Assistant Program Director for the Internal Medicine-Pediatrics Residency program at the University of Cincinnati.  He was then recruited to Stony Brook University, where he served as Med-Peds Program Director for five years. 

Dr. Tolentino brings his past clinical experiences in care for young adults with special health care needs, cystic fibrosis, and adult survivors of childhood cancers to UM/JMH.  He is passionate about working with the underserved and vulnerable, LGBTQ+ community, and working to reduce health care disparities affecting Latinx and Asian communities.  He is active nationally and has served in national leadership roles in the Med-Peds Program Directors Association (MPPDA), Society for General Internal Medicine, and APDIM, and currently serves as the Past-Past President for the MPPDA.  He considers himself big “M” and big “P,” and believes that Med-Peds physicians truly are the “mighty generalists.” He works clinically as a primary care physician, a transition medicine specialist, and as an adult and pediatric hospitalist. His interests include resident medical education, primary care, adult survivorship of pediatric cancer, transition from childhood to adulthood care, quality improvement, vulnerable populations and health disparities, and medical education research.  He is honored to work with such a talented and passionate Med-Peds family here at UM/JMH. 

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Kendra Van Kirk, MD, MAT, FAAP

Urban Health track director, internal medicine residency program

Graduate School: Johns Hopkins University
Medical School: Howard University College of Medicine
Residency: Med-Peds, University of Miami/Jackson Health System
Chief Residency: Med-Peds, University of Miami/Jackson Health System

Kendra Van Kirk is a graduate of our UM/JMH Med-Peds Class of 2017 and joined the Med-Peds faculty as our Associate Program Director in 2017.  As a former teacher in Baltimore with graduate education in teaching and curriculum design, Kendra worked ambitiously to design educational programs during her time in residency.  Notably, she designed an innovative Med-Peds ambulatory experience for interns and was key in the development and adoption of block scheduling in our Med-Peds program and in our pediatric department.  Kendra developed a longitudinal self-study curriculum in addition to our Med-Peds clinic conference series which started in 2017-2018.  She co-created our Urban Health Rotation for third year Med-Peds residents with training in addiction medicine, primary care for the homeless, and child/adolescent psychiatry.  She is also the director of our Urban Health track and Medical Educator Pathway. With an interest in quality improvement and patient safety, she is involved in QI projects involving clinic redesign and improving continuity of care for our large homeless population. We are excited to have Kendra as our associate program director of the Med-Peds residency program!